About this template
This slide design contains a Venn diagram with 2 rectangular shapes. The overlapping section assumes the accent colour of your template. Venn diagrams usually use circles, but there is more space for content in a rectangular shape
How to use it in your presentation
A Venn diagram is a great slide for visualising an overlap (for example in merger synergies), or you can show that you are the only player in the market who can offer "the best of both worlds".
Available formats
This template comes in a PowerPoint and Keynote version, you can select either a 4:3 print-friendly version, or a 16:9 aspect ratio which is more suited to wide screen monitors.
Other slides to consider
Click the links to be taking to alternative designs. This site has other templates for Venn diagrams (the more traditional round ones with 2 or more circles, or this design, but with a smaller overlap), or try other designs that visualise synergy.